
EastEnders Storyline

EastEnders has been working with the charities Alumina, Mind and Samaritans on a young person's self harming storyline as they try to portray Amy's story as realistically and as sensitively as they can. Producer Chris Clenshaw has said, 'The issues [Amy] faces impact so many young people and their families across the UK so we hope this will help to raise awareness and to start a conversation amongst viewers.' In the episode on November 14 she continued to have a hard time, arguing with Denzel, Nugget and Lily about the rumours circulating about her. Afterwards, she went home and self-harmed.  Other kids at school do it,' Amy told her defensively. 'It's just what I do.' The popular soap has shown Amy getting progressively worse over the weeks, ending up on a hospital ward due to her self-injury but has told her onscreen dad, Jack, she doesn’t want to die, it's just I'm angry, upset and worried.

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